Friday, May 17, 2013

Baseball photos

I have been wanting to post some of the photos since the boys started baseball.  They are both so cute in their uniforms.  If you have some time, you should come out and enjoy a game with us. 

These are from Opening Day!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Finding My Joy (part 2)

I did not take this photo

 I wanted to give you an update on my Joy search.  Oh My Soul...  I feel like a weight has been lifted.  I feel as though I found out some amazing secret that everyone else should know.  I just have to say that I am getting my Joy back and it has been a wonderful week of rejoicing.  

This time of year can be very difficult for me.  Today is the second anniversary of Audrey's passingI could be sad and withdrawnBut instead, I am so full of joy.  The day after I realized what my problem was, I woke up with a song in my heart.  I couldn't help but sing it. 

I still have moments of frustration and hurt.  I still can be cranky and in a mood.  But I feel a peace inside that only God can bring.  

If you are struggling with Joy, my advice is to seek God through His word, through listening to preaching, and through listening to some good uplifting music. 

Here something to get you started

  1. I have found His grace is all complete,
    He supplieth every need;
    While I sit and learn at Jesus’ feet,
    I am free, yes, free indeed.
    • Refrain:
      It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
      Full of glory, full of glory;
      It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
      Oh, the half has never yet been told.
  2. I have found the pleasure I once craved,
    It is joy and peace within;
    What a wondrous blessing, I am saved
    From the awful gulf of sin.
  3. I have found that hope so bright and clear,
    Living in the realm of grace;
    Oh, the Savior’s presence is so near,
    I can see His smiling face.
  4. I have found the joy no tongue can tell,
    How its waves of glory roll;
    It is like a great o’erflowing well,
    Springing up within my soul.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Finding the Joy!

I did not take this photo

Habakkuk 3:18 says, "Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation."

And Paul writes, "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God," in Act 20:24.

To say the least, I have had a JOY problem lately.  Things just seem so mundane and tedious.  I have seen my joy dwindle away for the past few years.  It is time I get that joy back.  And God is the answer.  When things seem out of sorts and you just don't seem to have the right attitude or feel like things are worth doing, turn to God.  He wants us to be Joy Filled.  He wants us to have joy doing things.  

Sometimes I know I get so busy I don't pay attention to what God has to say about things. I just think about all the things I need to get done. When this is happening on a continual basis, it is time to slow down and remember that God comes first.  He should not have to wait till we are no longer busy.  I know over the past few years, life has gotten so much busier.  Time is going by so quickly and if I don't start having joy in those everyday moments, life is going to pass me by and I will be a grouchy, cantankerous old woman.  

I do not want to be that way.  I want to find joy even when there seems to be noneJust as Paul writes about his trials and troubles, he still found Joy in the midst of them.  I can do the same.  I know I can because Jesus saved me!  He paid my sin debt.  This world is not my home, I am just passing through.  I can have joy in the midst of my trials.  I can have joy in everyday activities.  I can have joy raising my kids.  

I choose Joy!  It is a choice we all must make.  No matter what I have going on in my life or around me, I can have joy.        

 Psalm 16:11  Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Well, It's been a few weeks.

It has been a few weeks and those weeks have been crazy with Baseball for the boys, doing photo sessions and church stuff.  Also my 30th birthday was 2 weeks ago (thanks for the condolences, but I am doing fine ;).  I have been babysitting and trying to keep up with house work.  It's a busy life.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.  I wanted to share a photos with you:

 I wanted to share that I got so much love on my birthday.  I was so surprised by the ladies of my church.  My birthday fell on the same night as the ladies Bible study.  They all sang happy birthday and had cards and gifts.  I am so truly blessed.  I love these ladies very much and pray for them often. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Baseball Life...

In February, we signed both Thomas and James up for Little League Baseball.  It is a huge leap for us since we already have a fairly busy schedule.  We have been wanting to put them into some sort of sport for a few years, but have just been too preoccupied with other things.

It is so cute to see them interact with other kids and their coaches.  I am excited to see what this season holds and how much they grow in the next few months. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday!

God works in such amazing ways.  Since I am usually in JR Church with Shaun during morning service, I take every opportunity to go to the altar when I am able to be in a church service.  Today was no different.  As I prayed, I always think about anyone in the crowed that day that does not know for sure if Heaven is their home.  As I sat and prayed that God would help me keep my focus on Him and to help me not get wrapped up in this world, a hand was raised, only a little bit above the crowed.  

Service had ended and I saw Pastor speaking to this young persons Dad and then Pastor shot straight over and asked if I could talk with a young lady.  I was so ready!

After talking with her and showing her the Roman's Road, she accepted Jesus as her Saviour!  Praise the Lord.  I am still amazed that God uses old sinners, Especially this one right here.   

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Back to Blogging.

I will start with this photo.  I got all this stuff and one other frame (I gave as a gift) for a little over $3.  I love getting good deals and I love when I am able to get things for free.  

I got (2) $10 off $10 or more from Kohls.  I love Kohls, especially when they send out these coupons.  You can usually find some great deals on some cute stuff.  I like to see what I can find for others as well. 

We have been needing some new bath mats for the guest bathroom and we thought these would be nice. I also wanted to get a cute frame for a photo of Johnny.  And then I saw the little stocking for less than $0.40.  And you can never have too many hand towels for the kitchen.  :)  

I really love getting good deals. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


This is something that is a bit of a pain to me.  I love organization, I try to stay organized, but most of the time I fail miserably at this subject.  

This year I would like to tackle this area of hardship for myself.  I am trying to stay clutter free, but things just have a way of piling up big time at my house.  I let things get away from me and in a few short days... My house looks like it threw up on itself.  

One thing I am going to be doing and have started to try to tackle is purging things.  I don't use half of what is in my house, maybe not even a third of it.  I am going to be getting ride of a lot of stuff.  

Another area to help myself out in is that paperwork... there is always so much paperwork.  I hate paperwork.  But it is part of life.  It is part of owning a business.  I just need to throw out the things that aren't needed.  So much junk comes through my doors.  Also, I have to mention this one thing... My kids love to color and draw.  James will sit down and draw 3 pictures and he will give them all to me. I have a pile of drawings.  I do go through them and chuck some.  But I need to do more chucking of these items.  I love seeing them, but I don't need every single drawing.  

I am going to tackle this area of my life.  I just have to stay focused and willing to get ride of things. 

I am going to post some photos or DIY projects that I do to help with these situations. :)     

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Getting Ready...

For Ladies Conference...

I did not take this photo. ;)

Yes, it is that time of year again.  Things just go by too fast these days.  I am really excited I get to go this year.  

The last few days has been a mad dash to get things ready for me to be gone for 3 days.  Getting the house in order, laundry done, packing, preparing for my return... Yes I have to mentally prepare to be gone for a few days as well as what it will be like when I get home. 

A mom doesn't just leave for a few days.  If we did... I can't imagine what things would be like when we would return. LOL! 

I am hoping to have lots of things to share with you all when I get back.  We have a busy few weeks ahead as well with our annual Teen Rally just a week away. And then I will be heading out of town to photograph a wedding in North Carolina. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.     

Saturday, February 9, 2013

So, It's been a while!


Hi there.  It has been a few weeks and I have wanted to get on here and write something and share some photos but it has been a bit crazy.  Lots of stuff to get doneI have also been in some sort of funk.  I don't know where it comes from.  But sometimes it just smacks you and then it is hard to get back into the swing of things.  

Well, we have finished half a year of school.  I am excited for this since I am a summer girl and it just means that the warm weather is soon to be here. :) 

Another thing that has brightened up the past few weeks... We are getting things together to hopefully buy a house in the near future.  We talked with a home loan person and we have a few things we need to get straightened out, but we are in better shape than we thought we would be and are hoping to be able to buy a home by the end of the year. 

I have been working on a few things as well in my personal life.  It seems like whenever you make a decision to do something better or for God, you are immediately just bombarded with difficulties.  I am right there.  Feeling a bit overwhelmed at times and just down right moody at other times.  But I am not going to give in.  I am just too stubborn for that.  I just don't see the point in giving in.  Cause that starts a chain reaction of giving up everytime something gets in the way.  I refuse to not get out of this funk I am in.  

If you are in some sort of funk... DO NOT give up, give in, let it overtake every area of your life.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel and that tunnel leads right to the one that can help us through these times in our life.  That person is Jesus.  Trust in Him.  Ask Him to help you and He will.  Things always look worse when you are in the midst of them. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hearing the Word of God.

I wanted to share something that God shared with me through His word today.  It was a bit amazing to me to realize what He is saying in these verses.  

Genesis 21:9-20

This is the story of Hagar in the wilderness with Ishmael.  She is about to give up in these pasages.  Who would blame her?  She has been kicked out of her home, is now a single parent, has nothing to provide for her son and doesn't even have water.  She has a lot of problems in her life at this moment.  She puts her child out of her site so she doesn't have to watch him die... Wow!  

She is crying and giving up at this moment

And then God sends her an angel.  He tells her that God is on her side.  He is there with her and will take care of her.  And then the Bible says this:

   And God opened her eyes...

So, there is one thing that came to mind.  She closed her eyes.  
This came to my mind first.  She closed her eyes to God.  She was more focused on her problems than in finding an answer to her problems.  She was closed to the fact that there was a well right in front of her because she wasn't trusting God.  

Oh, how we do this.  We get so wrapped up in the actual event of the problem than in the miracle that God is unfolding in our midst's.  God just kind of smacked me over the head with this one.  It reminds me of Peter walking on the water with Jesus and the second he gets his focus off of Jesus and onto the storm around them, he starts to sink.  

This is how I am.  I spend too much time thinking of the problem and not enough time on the One that can take care of that problem.  He is the answer! 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Finding the Balance and Trusting God with It!

So Wow!  This year is already off and running.  We have had a busy start to the new year and I am trying my hardest to find balance.  I want to do things to the best of my ability, not just fumble through them, which I do a lot.  I am trying to get some things in order that I feel have fallen apart or that I have been neglecting.  

Last year was a healing year.  God took His time with me and made last year a year of healing my heart and spirit.  He is amazing that way.  I could have stayed bitter and hurt forever, but He didn't allow that.  I am so glad.  

This year is a Renewing year for me.   Here is the defenition:


verb \ri-ˈnü, -ˈnyü\

Definition of RENEW

transitive verb
: to make like new : restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection <as we renew our strength in sleep>
: to make new spiritually : regenerate
a : to restore to existence : revive
b : to make extensive changes in : rebuild
: to do again : repeat
: to begin again : resume
: replace, replenish <renew water in a tank>
a : to grant or obtain an extension of or on <renew a license>
b : to grant or obtain an extension on the loan of <renew a library book> 

That is what I want to a T.  I want God to do a miricle in my life this year... Not one that you can see on the outside like healing or financial, but one that is spirtitual and internal.   

A few things I am trying to accomplish this year: 
I am trying to stick to a Bible reading schedule.  To be honest, I have missed a few days, but I catch up the next day.  I am using You Version through  I listen to it on my tablet and I love it.  It has really changed the way I "hear" the Bible. :) 

Another area is cleaning and de-cluttering my home.  This is huge.  I don't know about you, but I am just down right cranky when my home is a disaster.  I just can't stand it. I love to have things, but too many things is just overwhelming. So, I am working on getting rid of stuff and keeping a clean home.  

One more is to be more organized.  I am horrible at this.  I have lots of piles all over my home that are things to do, bills to pay, paper work to be filed, shredded and scrapbooked. LOL.  I want to get some of this stuff taken care of.  I want to keep up with it so I don't have to worry about it any more. 

Keeping up with home school... Ok, so, I am just a bit frustrated at myself for this one because I get so busy doing other things that I neglect one of the most important things in my dayWe as a family have chosen to home school our kids.  This is one of the hardest things I have ever done.  But I truly believe God wants me to do this and I wont give up on that.  We have hit our share of bumps in the road, but it is worth every one of them.  :) 

Finances!!! We have learned over the years that God takes care of us.  He always has and always will.  We learned this when Shaun was out of work for months and we didn't know what was going to happen.  But I am taking it to a new level.  God wants me to not worry about the little things.  He wants me to trust Him when I feel like I need to control every penny.  He wants me to give more to Him and I know I will struggle with this, but He will quietly remind me that He is in control and I do not need to be.  

I just wanted to share a few things I will be working on this year.  I think it is good to have goals/ new year resolutions.  I do not want these things to be in the moment decisions but life long changes in my every day life.  God wants us all to have a balanced life.  I know that whatever God tells me will bring more balance.