Yes... This was my week. It started out with Church on Sunday and a very special service for the men and women who have served in the military and then a Memorial Day picnic. We had a great day. Monday was a day at home resting and doing some house work.
Tuesday was filled with 2 Dr. appointments: I had my NST to check on baby's movements and heartbeat and then had an ultrasound to check fluid and blood flow to baby. Baby was moving good and everything looked good at the NST. Went to the specialist for the ultrasound and he said my fluid levels are about the same (good) but that baby is having a more difficult time moving the blood around (bad) but it isn't bad enough to step in now.
We also had a family get together and birthday party for Thomas. My first born son turned 7! It was a bit emotional and a little hard. Being pregnant and thinking about how 7 years ago I was bringing this precious baby boy into the world. He is such a blessing to me. I love him so very much.
Bright and early on Wednesday morning we were off to the hospital for James' tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. We needed to be there at 6:30am and he went in for surgery about 8am and was discharged at 11:00. He was such a trooper.
The rest of Wednesday and Thursday and most of Friday were going to be resting days... Except James was full of energy instead of being tired. Nights were tough on Wed and Thur. Up every couple of hours because of pain. He would also get really upset if I wasn't right next to him when he woke.
Friday was a bit better. James was more mellow but was in more pain. I took Thomas to the water park to play with the Tastet girls. He really needed to get out and do something fun. I am still worried about James doing to much or getting sick, so Shaun stayed home with him. Then I had 2 appointments for this day too. First my NST that showed one real contraction (which I had been feeling all morning, very irregular though). But baby is doing good. Dr. Jacobs said I am doing really well. He also said I should carry to term as long as the specialist says it is OK to do so. If baby is still not growing well, we will be looking at delivering baby as soon as possible. If things still look OK, we will hold off for another week. Monday is my next appointment with the specialist and he will be measuring baby and seeing what the next step is. I am hoping to not deliver for at least another week.
Today was a busy day too. I tried to get stuff done around the house, but that didn't go as well as I planned. I got really tired and didn't feel well early in the day. So I laid down and took a bit of a nap. It really helped. I wanted to have energy for my baby shower.
I had a great time at my baby shower. I got spoiled rotten (or rather, baby got spoiled) and I am so blessed. God is good.
With the next few weeks being as busy as this one, it will be fun watching how it all plays out. Earlier this week I had a lot of anxiety about the birth of this baby and how busy our schedule tends to stay. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and not very enthusiastic about the weeks to come. I have wonderful friends that are understanding and helpful at these times in my life. My friend Rebekah said that if baby is going to come, things will fall into place and also reminded me that God is in control and He knows right when this baby is going to be here. I am glad that I have friends that are loving and kind and put up with my craziness. So many are willing to help out and do things for me. Another friend, Lisa, brought us dinner on Thursday night. It was so helpful and tasted amazing. :) Even those of you who have offered to help and sent txt messages and prayers, you are all amazing. Thank you all so much.
Leaving Wed. for our cruise. Praying we'll be back home before #3 son's arrival. Prayers travel with the speed of light. No geographic boundaries. Love you!