Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The past few weeks and the weeks to come...

The past few weeks have been busy and have come with lots of changes.  I am now 34 weeks along and about a week and a half ago I had an ultrasound to check out baby's heart.  They did not get a good look at my last one and needed to make sure things looked good since Shaun has a genetic heart disorder. But while checking the heart (which looks great) they noticed that I have too much amniotic fluid and that baby's tummy is not growing the way it should. It is measuring 4 weeks smaller than what it should be. Last week was a bit nerve wracking. 

The Perinatologist didn't give me much information and I was completely taken by surprise with this news, so I didn't think to ask any questions. They scheduled me with another appointment and also for some non stress tests (NST) for the remainder of the pregnancy. I had to wait 3 days to be able to see my regular OB on Thur last week to get any answers. He reassured me that things are still looking good.  The main concern is with the tummy being small.  The extra fluid is a more common thing.  My levels are high, but in the normal range. Normal is anything between 5cm to 25 cm.  My levels are about 22cm.  They just want to monitor to make sure baby is doing good.  Which he is.  That is why they are doing the NSTs twice a week. There is also the chance that I can have preterm labor because of the extra fluid. It could be any time now that this little guy could enter the world.  

I will be seeing the Perinatologist so he can measure the fluid and check blood flow to baby and make sure there are no problems with that since the small tummy issue might be because he isn't getting enough through the umbilical cord. To help with this problem I was told to "rest more"... What does that mean? LOL!  I asked at my last appointment and he said if I can get help with the chores and errands, I need to.  The baby gets more blood flow when I am laying down on my side and resting.  If I am up and about, the blood goes through my body and not to the baby.  The Dr. will measure the tummy in 2 more weeks since they cannot get a good look unless it is a few weeks from the first ultrasound. 

So now it is a wait and see type thing.  We will know more in a few weeks.  I am taking it easy and haven't been feeling very well.  I think God is telling me to rest. He is actually forcing me too. My next few weeks are full of doctor appointments and preparing for baby to arrive.  All my other grand ideas of what the last 6 weeks were going to be like before baby comes are going to go by the way side. All of that will have to wait till after baby comes. HAHA!

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