I have to start out by saying I love church. It is amazing how God uses men to convict our hearts to do more, be more and love Him more. I have been chewing on something since Sunday. For Sunday School we have been watching a series of videos about creation and the lie of evolution. The speaker was talking about dinosaurs and then this verse came up.
Eph 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
I don't remember how that all connected. But I do know that a "WOW" went right through me. I have seen this verse and read this verse and even been taught on this verse. But wow, what a smack in the face. It really took hold in my heart. My thoughts since this verse came into my head have only been on this.
So here is the deal... Lets learn how to REVERENCE our husbands.
First we need to learn what Reverence means.
1. Fear mingled with respect and esteem; veneration.
2. An act of respect or obeisance; a bow or courtesy.
Revere: To regard with fear mingled with respect and affection; to venerate; to reverence; to honor in estimation.
Definition of VENERATION
1. respect or awe inspired by the dignity, wisdom, dedication, or talent of a person
Then we need to realize that this is how we are supposed to treat God...
So this is really clear. We should hold God above all else. Being completely honest I have struggled with this. I have been demanding, complaining, and rude (plus many other things) to my God the last few months. I am so glad my God is patient and loving. I do not deserve it, but He gives it anyway.
And now we get back to the point: Reverence toward your husband.
I need to realize that if I do not have the right attitude toward my heavenly Father, I cannot have the right attitude toward my husband.
I have to be honest in saying I am also guilty of not having the right attitude toward my husband. I argue, fuss and fight with him and treat him like I treat my children at times. It's just not right. It is something I am working on. I want my husband to feel loved, cherished, respected, esteemed and reverenced. I want him to know I am proud to be called his wife and the mother of his children.
God has commanded us to reverence our husbands. It doesn't really matter whether we feel on that given day that he deserves it or not. The only person I have control over is myself and therefore I have control over if I obey God and do what He says. A lot of the time I can help or hurt my marriage just by doing or not doing this one thing. My husband deserves my reverence because God says so.