Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Mother of Three...

So, now I am a mother of three... It is crazy how busy and un-busy you are as a mother of three.  A lot of my time has been taken up by holding a baby and feeding him.  So, I am not really busy doing things, just this one thing.  And then in between feeding this little guy I am trying to make a mad dash around to get other things done.  But alas, I have 2 other growing boys and they want to eat too... I feel like most of my day is spent feeding people.  HAHA!  

It has been crazy around here being the mother of three, but so amazing at the same time.  I am so much more in love than ever before.  God really shows us how His love works when He gives us children.  I am amazed at how my heart has grown to love another very cute baby.  

My "To Do" list is always long and I feel like nothing ever gets accomplished but tomorrow is another day and as many things that get marked off the list, get put on the list (most of the time more).  I just need to take it one day at a time and not freak out!

Here are some photos of little Johnny... 


Friday, August 17, 2012


I want to show you some photos of this little guy.  The best part about my trip to Sacramento this past time was visiting Gabriel in the NICU.  He was born weighing just 1 lbs and 7.3 oz.  He was 12 inches long.  He is a miracle and a true blessing.  The doctors were not hopeful that he would come through.  But by God's grace and love, he is doing amazing things.  He is now over 2 lbs (which is a huge milestone for this little man).  

I was amazed that he looks so perfect and at how God created us and how He has given us the amazing ability to care for babies that would not normally be able to survive in this world at such a young age.  After leaving this little guy's side, I looked at John and was thinking how huge he looks.

Please continue to pray for baby Gabriel and his family.  His Daddy, Allan, is serving our country in Afghanistan and will not be home until late October or after.  Pray for his Mommy, Heather.  She needs strength for this long journey that is before her.  Gabriel will not be able to come home until October as well.  What seems like a few months/weeks to us, feels like an eternity to someone that is going to the hospital every day for that amount of time.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our first trip out of town.

This will be the first trip out of town for baby Johnny.  He is 5 weeks old now.  Since Shaun and I have been together, I have always traveled (and most of it without him).  He has always been very good and understanding when it comes to this.  But I have not been out of Reno since Ladies Conference in February.  I am amazed that it has been so long.  I am getting to the point now that I just love to be at home.

But I am excited to take this 5 day trip and visit some important people.  We will be going to 2 birthday parties while in Sacramento and having lots of fun.  I will post photos and tell you how everything goes when I return home. :)  I am really hoping Johnny is a good traveler like his brothers. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Last Few Months...

It sure has been a long time, and I was doing so well... 
Oh well! Life happens. And it has.  

The last few months have been a whorl wind.  It started with finding out there were a few complications with my pregnancy and having 4 different appointments per week for the last 2 months of the pregnancy.  That was not fun.  Everything worked out and baby John Henry was born on July 3, 2012... Yes, he just missed the 4th of July. LOL!  He is healthy and happy and such a cutie (as you will see in the photos as you scroll down). So, the last month has been equally as busy with a new little one in the house.  I am feeling pretty good now and I am starting to be able to function better (since you loose your brain for a bit after having a baby).  I still feel like my brain is on vacation most of the time, but I have so many people reminding me what to do.  HAHA!  

John Henry was 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 19.5 in. (we think he was longer since he was too long for newborn clothes, which both of the older boys were able to fit into at birth and both measured about 19.5 in. long too). He is an easy going baby until he is hungry and then it goes from 0-60 in no time flat. Thomas and James love having a baby brother and love to hold him. :)

Here are some photos.  I will post more often (I hope).  I have lots to catch up on and will get to those soon.